Unknown Gem Type: tlx.bravenet.counter April 25 2003
Well more work was put into this im changing alot of things and YES MY CHAT IS UP AND RUNNING!!!! Look in the links page and please visit the brotherhood realm *_*
24 April 2002
Well indeed this site needed some cleanup and all ,so i checked out to make sure all the good names of memebrs ands all where indeed all there and they are.
As for news ,Well first off ,THe Brotherhood chat site is very soon to open and the login is in place so please do check out this Link and BookMark it!!
THe wallpaper section just got a whole new package so please do go check it out and grab some wallpapers,THere all my doings and i would appreciate some feedbacks on those whom you like and dislike to help me further my skills in such.
THank you
~Lord HAckeon~
26 Febuary
Welcome back to Our Humble Home, Well This is the news for this month, First off-Four or more new members have joined our ranks. Secondly-I've revised the links and made sure all is working and up. Thirdly-Our Boards are up and running really well check out the Links section. -Fourth of all~Check out my Art Gallery and grab the pics you like ,There are new and all made by myself,You can also email me to tell me what you think or got any idea's
Well this is about it for this month if any new things appear i shall revise and let all know.
~Signed~ Lord Hackeon~
26 Febuary
Welcome back to Our Humble Home,
Well THis is the news for this month,
First off-Four or more new members have joined our ranks.
Secondly-I've revised the links and made sure all is working and up.
Thirdly-Our Boards are up and running really well check out the Links section.
-Fourth of all~Check out my Art Gallery and grab the pics you like ,There are new and all made by myself,You can also email me to tell me what you think or got any idea's
Well this is about it for this month if any new things appear i shall revise and let all know.
Lord Hackeon~ On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll introduce myself and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site. I might put a picture of myself on this page...or just a picture that I especially like.
Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail! What's New? If you wish too see my Magic site please click on the link below: Magic Homepage |